Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
humble hands
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Festive Fingers
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
How to use a Hair Bobble
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Christmas Gift Ideas
Monday, December 6, 2010
came home and was thinking about the good friends i have. they are honest with me, open, and tell it like it is. i've always been a pretty open person i guess. susie says i'm very transparent. one of my best traits..but also my tragic flaw.
so i am always thankful when people are open and up front with me. friends are like mirrors. they help you see things about yourself you can't see on your own. sometimes you don't like it, but it doesn't mean its not true. and on the other hand sometimes its hard to accept that you are beautiful, creative..and having a good hair day. haha!
anyways, so today as i reflect i am thankful for all the mirrors in my life that show me what i can't see...
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Ellen Degeneres
so i have been saying its gonna happen somehow.. maybe this is my way!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
-our troops who leave their families to fight for our freedom, and to their families who stay behind and stay strong while their moms, dads, wives, husbands, fathers, brothers, sisters, daughters, sons are off fighting... we love you and appreciate all you are doing for us! i wish the news would spend more time on honoring these people and their families, especially those who have lost loved ones instead of doing weekly specials on heidi and spencer and what madonna is wearing!
-good in laws! i am blessed and so loved by all the Brattruds.(Bekah, I know you are an Arsanto now.. but I include you in this fo sho) You each, individually are amazing.. even the ones in the oven!
-God's provision in our lives and for our lives
-the internet, so we can share, grow, and encourage people we would have never met otherwise!
oOooh.. the oven is beeping, gotta go! happy thanksgiving everyone!
circle lenses
i have found these ones made by acuvue, a reputable contact lens company. their contacts are 'medical' while other circle lenses are considered 'cosmetic'.
so please be careful with your beautiful eyes!!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
there can't be a rainbow without a little rain...
sunday school craft? check. kids toys? check. snacks? check. offering? check. good attitude? check.
just as i am about to leave my phone rings.... *sigh.
"uh jeannie? can you come pick me up? my tire blew on the freeway".
REALLY!?!?!?!??!!? i had to laugh. i'm now not surprised or phased by this little 'thing' we are going through. 5 cars in 2 weeks...
so i packed my kids and one of the youth girls in the car and was off to rescue my husband. when we got there, we loaded up the projector screen and Drew crouched/crammed/ squished into the back and off we were to church.
all i can say is... God is good.
i rarely get to sit in worship, but today.. i told myself i need to worship.. even if just for one song. so i did. i sang loud, and praised Him. for being Good, for being our Provider... for being our Strength.
After service Mrs. Tucker (one of the ladies who came to the scene with her husband when i got in the accident) said something so interesting to me... she said " i don't know how to say this the right way.. but when i was standing on the offramp after your accident, I saw Drew walking up the ramp with Jael on his shoulders and Jehu in the stroller. They were all happy, she was happy, he was happy, and Drew was happy pushing the stroller up the off ramp. Strangely the first thing I thought was 'wow, jeannie has a good life'. I know its weird thinking that when you just got in an accident, but Jeannie.. you do.. you have a good life."
and I do. I have a good life. and i know it.
my life wasn't always like this.. so i am thankful every day. for love. for beautiful kids, for a husband that loves me. things don't matter... THEY are what matter, relationships matter... so today with the rain still trickling outside my hope is still growing...
thank you guys for reading, and hope you know that you are loved too :)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
a little rain...
its been a tough couple of weeks.
news of my grandma's health fading, 2 accidents, husbands truck dead, borrowed car dead...
i couldn't sleep last night. my neck was killing me. sharp pains from my chin down to my arm. woke up and decided i needed to see a doctor. apparently i have a badly sprained neck and am having spasms.
on the way home from doctor, in another borrowed car.. i had to stop by the body shop to collect all our belongings out of my totalled car. it was sad. didn't want to say bye. its not final, but pretty sure.
i sat in the back of my mangled car, with the rain dripping through the cracked windshield. and i cried. prayed. and cried. God moves in answer to prayer right? so i asked. "God, i have hope.. provide for us.. in a big way"
as i was driving i got a call from my husband... the great gap insurance which sounded good, is good.. just not that good. whatever money we get from the accident goes back to honda.. and then whatever is left over in covered by gap insurance. so... after kelly blue booking our car, it looks like we might get about $12.oo. yes. TWELVE dollars.
cried again.
as i was pulling up to our house i thought, i'm gonna check the mail. why can't there be a big anonymous check? right? then i prayed. "God, just show me that you CAN..." i turned the key with my eyes closed, looked inside. nope. just two bills. of course.. then i crouched down and looked again.. just in case. far back was a little red envelope jammed up against the back.
a little note from drew's cousin saying 'we are praying for you' and a check saying "thought you might enjoy this, we are praying for you".
it wasn't enough to buy a car. but its enough for me to know that God hears my prayers... and He is good, and He WILL provide.
Thank you Josh and Rebekah Kapcynski.. for being a little umbrella on my heart today.. and turning my sad tears, to tears of hope.
God is good.. He will provide.. and I will blog about it :)
Friday, November 19, 2010
Sigma Brushes
i got 2 of the high definition (f80 and f82) sigmax brushes FREE using my swagbucks. its the only way i could feel okay about getting them! so finally today they arrived.. and they are AMAZING!
they are so dense that they don't waste product and the fibers are shorter to get a more precise application. i have to say, they are worth the price. FO SHO.
so i know i should be the spokesperson for swagbucks.. but for real, this way i get stuff i want without feeling guilty! you use it just like google or any other search engine, earn points and then redeem them for prizes.. i always go for giftcards...

swag away!!!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010

what is going on.
so yesterday I got in another accident.
we had a record high at church, went to lunch and was on the way to the park to watch the boys play basketball.
the kids had fallen asleep in the back, and as I was approaching the off ramp that was under construction and lined on both sides with barricades I saw a ball of wire. about the size of a tumbleweed. I couldn't tell if it was soft, hard...but because of the accident I had last week, I could hear the officer saying "if there is an obstruction in the road, you have to do whatever you can to avoid it". so I swirved around it, but the opening to the offramp was too narrow. the tip of my car hit one barricade and I hit the opposite wall, back and forth four or five times like a pinball machine.
At the first hit I said "oh no", but then when I hit the second time.. the car started tilting back and forth and it felt like we were going faster. Hit after hit I cried out to God "God, help us! LOOOOOORRRRRDDD".
I have never been full of so much fear, so quickly in my life. The horrible thought of something happening to one of my kids is unbearable. as I hit I kept thinking "no, please.. it can't end like this!".
when it finally stopped I was so scared to look back at the kids.
Jehu looks at me and goes "woah" and grins.. like it was fun for him.
and then Jael goes "mom, why did you hit the walls? now how are we gonna get to the park?"
oh. my.
luckily a police car was driving right behind me. she said all she saw was a big cloud of smoke go up and thought 'oh dear'. I guess my front tires blew up which caused the smoke.
when I got out of the car, I could not believe it. unbelievable.
the officer then said something quite interesting. she said "are you a christian?"
and I said "yes..definitely a christian" and she says "ok, I just feel in my spirit your family must be doing something really great... the devil is trying to keep you down. has other things been happening to you?" and I say "well, I got in an accident last week and my husbands truck broke down"..... she then gave me a hug and said "don't give up, He's doing good things through you"
I have to say, at one moment I felt like a damsel in distress and could see my prince in the distance. I wish I had a camera and non-shakey arms to take a picture..
The sun was setting and I could see a trail of dust.. Drew was running up above on the mounds of dirt that were piled up for construction, he slid all the way down to where our car was. I could see him running as fast as he could.. and it made me feel safe, so loved.
At the end of all this. all I care about is that my kids are healthy and happy. a car is just a car.. objects are replaceable.. people are not.
Sarah came over that night with some coffee and to drop off her car for us to use.. again. not even a thought, she just came. such a good friend with a lovely heart. We still had the borrowed car from last week so we are good... but am so thankful for friends like her.
so with a stiff neck and sore body,many hours of crying, waking up in panic... I am so thankful that God has good plans for me and my family. that He protects us.. and that He IS doing great things...
ain't nobody gonna hold us down!!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
sometimes i don't like discovering things. ugh. i'm trying to be vague...but its hard to be honest when you are vague.
so today i realized a lot of things about people...and about myself. i get hurt easy. i am hypersensitive...and i feel let down a lot. i feel like i truly give myself to people, in friendship, in relationships.. if i'm in i'm in, if i'm not.. i get out.
i think it is a hard realization when many of the people you pour yourself into, very frequently, undoubtedly let you down. its sad. it hurts.
on the other hand, there are people who give and give. who love unconditionally. who are loyal, humble, loving... are there when you need them to be. like a true friend should be.
so today i was a bit torn. hurt. but happy. i allowed myself to feel let down, but just for a moment. i didn't want to allow that to overshadow all the love, and good relationships that filled my home. so today i am thankful for those....
i've heard the quote "don't make someone a priority, when to them you are only an option" many times. the truth is, i still make people a priority even when i know i am not a priority to them. even if they are not a good friend to me, i will still be a good friend to them. i guess it is something i don't understand, and i don't want to...because as long as i don't understand it, i won't be it.
the biggest and most important friend to me is my husband. today he listened, he extinguished fires in my heart, he encouraged me, loved me, was strong, was gentle... was everything i needed him to be.
so today i am a thankful woman. thankful for good friends. beautiful children. and the time i get to spend with them.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
mini get away

they flew in monday evening. left me wednesday afternoon. just one day. one full day... but that is what we needed! we had so much fun just 'being'. its weird to not have a time constraint and just chat, eat, talk... enjoy. just for a minute. just for a day. So blessed we all have understanding supportive husbands who let us do this and hold the fort down with all the kiddos.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
polka dot nails
Friday, November 5, 2010
the funny man upstairs
do you see what it is?!
my husbands truck on top of the AAA tow truck, but inside the bed of HIS truck is a Barbie Jeep. WHAT IN THE WORLD?!
My husband subbed at the middle school and one of the ladies that worksthere brought it for my daughter!!!! It really drives too.
It was so funny! So the only person who has a car that drives is my 3 year old does fit my son too, so that's a plus.
so if you are driving to church on sunday and see a Barbie jeep on the side of the freeway, it will be my kids on the way to church. no excuses now right?!
God is good and He makes me laugh.
During the last few weeks we have had generous people allow us to use their cars.. and I finally got mine back today.
I am still praying for my Toyota Sienna Mini Van though!!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I love Keurig!
Anyways, here is a quick video to show you how it works if you haven't seen it before. Every cup is perfect and delicious!
ps. my new favorite lipstick by Rimmel is "airy fairy". its a really pretty nude... the only thing is, I feel like my lips smell like grandma! hahaa!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
no more stinky!

Friday, October 29, 2010
Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash: Pink Grapefruit
oh, and the chicken using the McCormicks spice thing turned out SOOO yummy!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
perfect season...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
funny thing is, it doesn't have me down. we are safe, no one is hurt... and that is most important.
we dont' have an extra car.. and we don't have money to pay for it.. BUT it doesn't seem to bother me.
God is my provider, and regardless of what happens.. He is Good.. and is still my Provider.
Happiness is based on circumstances, situations. happiness comes and goes, depending on what is going on. Joy on the other hand comes from within. The core root of it coming from Him because He is my source. so, regardless of circumstances or happen-stance...
I still have joy.
i think of it as joy is part of who i am... happiness is a welcomed side effect.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
hairstyles dad can do!
goodbye bra!
for instance, when:
-color: the bra use to be a gleaming white, is now a how do i say this nicely....a vanilla-ish color?!. c'mon girls. what if someone SAW it?!
also, i often see people's bra strap poking out. and i KNOW its not suppose to be that dingy grey color!
-structure: the wire is poking out the side or in the middle..and all day you are shifting and squirming, trying to poke it back in.
-shape: when the cups are no longer round, but look deflated, squished, lumpy, saggy.. just like how you DON'T want your boobs to look... get rid of it!
-fit: when the back rides up and is not level with the sides and front... it does not fit right. most of the support comes from the back. so if its riding, its too loose and stretched out and your shoulders are gonna pay for it.
if they are SUPER yucky, throw them away. invest in a new bra, one that's comfortable. you know you will wear it EVERYDAY. so think of it as an investment. your girls will thank you for it.
now what about all those neglected bras that never made it to the favorites list and are shoved to the back of your drawer or are hanging lonely and unused in your closet? you can DONATE them!
here are a couple of places i've found that you can donate, most of them donate to homeless women and those who sufferfrom domestic violence, help support breast cancer research, or use them towards a good cause:
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
here we go again...
every time i get close to having them grown out, i see someone with bangs and want mine back.
maybe bangs and me are destined to be together forever.
i DO have an insanely large forehead... maybe its for the best. haha!!
so i attempted to make a video of how i cut them, hope its helpful!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
JCLU forever winners!
if you are a winner, please message me your address within 48 hours or we will have to pick another winner! yay!!!! thank you for all you entered.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
ruffle boots
got my second pair of FREE boots using my swagbucks! wooohoo!
for those of you who don't know (and i'd be astonished if you didn't since i seem like a swagbucks salesperson). swagbucks is a search engine like google, only you win points by searching and using that engine. you can trade your points for prizes or giftcards. i was skeptical and didn't really believe it until i got my first prize in the mail. now i'm addicted, its FREE STUFF!!! i trade mine (so far) for amazon giftcards and i buy stuff i want that i normally wouldn't buy myself.
both the boots i got so far are from 'make me chic'. they retail for $25 i think.
anyways... here is my swaggernaut swagbuck pitch for today! hahaha!!!

cutting it off
so i just gave myself a little haircut. it was WAY overdue...
made me think about so many things in my life i need to 'cut out'. we carry things around that we know we need to get rid of, but its always 'oh i'll deal with it later' or 'its not THAT bad, i can wait a little longer'.
the reality is, when its dead.. its dead. keeping things around, in or on you that are not healthy will affect the rest that IS healthy.
I need to get rid of some things inside of me that i've been hanging on to. things that i have always said 'i'll deal with later' or 'its not THAT bad'.
those little things that i think aren't such a big deal, keep me from living the to the fullest of my capacity. it steals bits of joy that i don't even notice are mine.
so 4 inches of hair later, i feel a little lighter and a little more enlightened.
hope you are having a beautiful day. :)
Friday, October 8, 2010

these are two of my treasures.
i value them so much, i cherish them. beautiful, irreplaceable treasures.
as i grow older i realize how much harder it is to make good friends, and keep good friends.
life changes and its not like high school or college when you do the same things, see each other every day, tell each other EVERY small detail of everything. people move. grow families...change. so friendships take so much more effort. they have to be intentional. days go by, details are forgotten and before you know it... you have no clue what is going on their lives, and they don't have the slightest idea what is going on in yours. so when something 'happens' its just too much effort to get into it ALL. so you just leave it, don't bother with it and move on. except with those select few. you make effort, you ask try. with these friends no matter the days, months, years... it is like it has always been. just deeper. stronger. your heart is an open book to them. they see you. they get you. they understand.
i really believe that people were made to be relational. we grow and thrive through relationships.
good friends are like mirrors, they show you things about you, that you can't see yourself. true friends let you be honest, raw, ugly...and they still love you. no judgement. they take what you say and take care of it. they want the best for you. they celebrate your success and hurt when you fall. they help you heal and nurture your wounds.
i have been blessed with a core of good friends. but this week i am especially blessed by these two beautiful ladies. so much love, encouragement, wisdom and compassion.
thank you for loving me like you do. i know and feel God's love for me with such a deeper understanding through my friendship with you. my beautiful irreplaceable treasures...
Thursday, October 7, 2010
i like to give: giveaway
especially to those that i love. i want to give them everything and anything. i always daydream about things i would get people if i became an instant gabillionaire (that's how much i need! hahah)
i've even had dreams of taking people to car dealerships and saying 'will your mom or dad get mad that i got you a car?' hah!! i wish.. I WISH. or atleast own a huge company where i could hire everyone i know that needs a job and pay them WAY too much.. and get them to do stuff, just so they 'earn' it..but it would be stuff that was fun, that they enjoyed to do. or own a HUGE complex of homes where people who needed a place to live could stay for free, have community and bbq, swim, sing, dance.. play games together every day..the dream can just go on and on.
me and my daydreams.. anyways...
so for those of you who encourage me and support me, this is for you...
all entries need to be submitted on
you can write anything and everything. it could be long or short.. tell me what is new in your life :)
good luck! love you.... (and sorry i got all emotional! i'm such a girl!)
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I often get to this place where I'm just tired.
I know my life is good, I am blessed...
I wish I could be bundled in the warmest, softest, cuddly-est blanket and sit on the beach and watch the waves, have not a care and just marvel.
marvel at the beauty, the wonder, the mystery.
Just a moment of silence, even from myself..from my thoughts and breathe.
a long deep breath.
I have moments throughout the day that I wish I could log in the 'don't forget this' part of my brain, and I could go back to that moment at any time. see it, smell it, touch it, feel it. There are so many beautiful things in the world that get so clouded by the busyness of life...
I often wonder when I see people walking, driving. I wonder where they are going, what they're doing.. what their story is. So many people get up, go to work, come home, go to sleep...just to do it all over again. working to live, living to work.
There has to be a greater purpose, there is a greater purpose. I wish more people knew that. I want more people to know that. To live beyond the mundane, the every day...
instead of just 'doing' tasks, really delighting in them. LIVING life, having a destiny, a purpose...a calling.
God has a purpose for each one of us. a purpose that no one else can fulfill. He made you perfect the way you are, the way you were suppose to be and you are able to do things that no one else can.
God does not make mistakes...remember that.
you are beautiful and wonderful. believe it. receive it. live it.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
coconut water
the original is 100 % coconut water.. it tastes aight.. but they have ones that taste like peach, mango... check it out!
benefits of coconut water:
more potassium than 2 bananas!
antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
used to regulate blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels
boost energy levels and increase metabolism in the human body
used to treat: stomach flu, dysentery, indigestion, constipation, intestinal worms, cholera, urinary abnormalities, urethral stone, malfunctioning kidneys, dry and itchy skin
applying Coconut Water onto affected skin areas every night before going to bed may help with acne, age spots, wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite, and eczema.
Abundant in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients it is a natural energy drink.
more Potassium, Calcium, and Chloride than sports drinks promotes smooth healthy skin Rich in Potassium and other minerals, Coconut Water helps to regulate our internal fluids and replenish and rehydrate the body.
It has been used to treat dehydration caused by dysentery, cholera, diarrhea and stomach flu
drinking one cup of Coconut Water twice daily during digestive tract abnormalities, hot temperatures, and after strenuous workouts can help rehydrate the body quickly.
For constipation, diarrhea and other common digestive problems drink one cup of Coconut Water twice daily.
boosts immune system
natural electrolyte and isotonic beverage which help increase the body's metabolism=weight loss
settles and calms upset stomach
helps to break up kidney stones making them easier to push out.
ps. my forehead looks awefully wrinkly. my anti-aging cream is failing me. what do you use?
coconut milk
i have a cooker similar to this one, nothing fancy:

and then what i do is take about 1/4 of thai coconut milk and mix it in.
just make sure you shake the can before you puncture it, it settles in the the can so the water and creamy part separate a bit.

yum yum! there are so many things you can do with coconut milk!
Coconut milk benefits: Coconuts are seen by some as a miracle food, helping protect and cure the body of internal and external ailments. Coconut milk has many uses, most of which build up the immune system and the body's defenses.
had a beautiful day at church today. so many kids for sunday school, and one of the ladies brought drinks and snack bags for all of them. It is so nice to see people joyfully serve and give.
Friday, October 1, 2010
September Musts & Busts
hope its helpful! have a great day!
oh..and...If you haven't checked out Hautelook yet, its a great website. Free to join... Every day they have different brands selling their stuff for 30-90% off. yup, for reals. Brands you like too. Juicy Couture, Urban Decay... everything and anything, even baby stuff. Its fun every morning just to see who and what is on sale. Here is the link!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
JCLU forever giveaway!!

I am so excited! JCLU forever sent me these items, and I am going to use them for a giveaway...
weeeee!!!!! please please enter so you can win!
leave me a comment below and the winner will be chosen by on October 14th!
here is their website, please visit and support them... very reasonably priced