i often find myself a victim of my thoughts. taking me to places i shouldn't go...places that feed negativity and lies.
that's when i need to stop. (collaborate and listen..hehe.. oops, sorry i was in serious mode.*ahem)
and remember that i am beautifully and wonderfully made.
we don't always understand everything or have an answer for the way things are, but it doesn't mean that there isn't purpose, a plan...
throughout my childhood i often wondered why God made me. no special talent, no unique gift...too sensitive and easily broken. why would God make someone like that? doesn't He make things with purpose? this is where my thoughts often led me... day after day and night after night.
God does not make mistakes.
our worth is not found in what we do...its in who we are.
i don't love my kids because of what they can do for me. i love them because they are mine.
He loves me because i am His. i am His delight. THAT is my purpose.
He has a plan. i might not see it or understand it..but i know His plans for me are good...
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
i believe without seeing and i walk in trust because He will not lead me astray.
He sees my inner most thoughts, sees my secret cries, knows my heart in a way i can't even describe.
He is my Father, my best friend, my Counselor, my comfort, my Provider, my Healer, my peace...He is my Rock.