Monday, January 24, 2011

A Princess Party

Today we get to celebrate my little girl's birthday. She turns 4 this week. Its weird because I can't imagine life without her. She is smart, funny, compassionate, articulate and so intuitive. really. The things she says and does always shock me... even though I know all of this about her.
My love for her grows every day, and I truly want to give her the best life.
Made me think a lot about God's love for me, and you. As much as I love my little girl and want the best for her... He loves me more. Wants more for me. So as big of a cheerleader I am for my kids, I have the Almighty God rooting for me. He wants me to succeed, achieve, have fun, laugh, enjoy life, experience good things, have a blessed life.
I think most people put a cap on the happiness and joy in their life. They limit themselves....for what reason, I don't know. All I know is.. there is more out there waiting for us to take it.
God not only wants to give His kids what we NEED, but also what we WANT...
can I tell you a quick story?

When I first moved to l.a. I remember needing mascara. I know, dumb.. but mine was all dried out, and I literally didn't have any money. So as dumb as it seemed, I prayed. Asked God for mascara... yes.. with all the wars, poverty, hurt in the world.. I asked him for mascara.
Driving home from school I was looking at the beautiful polluted sunset of L.A. and thought, Wow.. God is so artistic. He is good, and thanked Him for it.
I got home and there was a huge box on my front door step. weird.
I looked and it had my name on it. No one really knew my new address...but ok.
I opened it up...
and people...
it was a box from L'oreal with almost EVERY PRODUCT in their line! there were over 10 macara's in there! I started laughing and crying. oh mascara.
I don't know how L'oreal even got my address or how it got to me. BUT in such a dumb way as mascara.. I learned that God cares. even about the little things. I asked, I received. I think sometimes people think that they shouldn't ask for little things like that, that its petty, not important. This is what I think.. why not pray for all the big, important, major things AND pray for the little things too? I'm not saying that everyone is gonna get a box from L'Oreal on their doorstep. what I am saying is that, God sees... and He cares. Even that His daughter needed mascara.

there is my scattered thoughts for this morning.
love you all.. have a happy Monday!

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