Monday, May 14, 2012

Chosen Family

Today was an interesting day. It was beautiful and sunny. Got to run around in the morning and get some things done and then spent some time with my family.
 I feel like I am aware of the blessings in my life, but today I realized it a little more. 
I always hear horror stories about in-laws and I feel like even in movies, in-laws are always portrayed as monster in I'm assuming it is a bit more common than not to have difficult in laws to deal with when you get married. I have the opposite. Truly blessed. I remember when I married my husband thinking that even if I didn't like him (which of course I am head over heels in love with him) I would have to marry him just for his family. His family is not common family. They are actually functional. Who would have thought? I didn't know that normal, loving, FUNCTIONAL families actually existed. Even seemingly normal families weren't upon further inspection. 
I remember when I first met his dad...waiting, and expecting him to yell, get mad or be mean. it never happened. He's a loving father...the way a father is suppose to be. I asked my husband if his dad ever yelled and he told me that all growing up he had never heard his parents yell at each other... I was dumbfounded. 
Now his mom is just as intriguing to me. Genuinely supportive, laid back and what a mom should be. She has never made me feel bad, not enough or lacking as a mother myself. They give us space and allow us to do "home" and "family" the way we do it...never offering up their opinions on how they think we should do things. Always supportive and encouraging. They love my kids and get down and dirty with them and always speak joy into their lives. I know its rare to find a family like this...and it doesn't end there. His siblings are the same way. Always positive and loving. (they never fight or get mad at each other... where in the world are they from?!)
anyways. all this to say... today having a little heart to heart with my mother in law and sister in law I was so amazed by the love and support they always give me. So I thanked God... for giving me such a wonderful 'in law' family along with the best husband in the world.
Life wasn't always so.
I am glad I have sister who is the only one in the world that was there through everything and understands  what no one else can. I want the same for her, that unconditional, encouraging, joyful love. 
I am glad I stuck with it, put my faith in God and asked Him for more. The unreachable and unattainable. He gave me. Showed me a father's love and a mother's love that I could see, tangible...the way He created it to be. 
So thankful tonight as I go to bed.
I hope you all have unreachable unattainable dreams that without God are impossible, that way when then happen.. you know it was Him.
G'nite! xoxo


  1. I hope you all have unreachable unattainable dreams that without God are impossible, that way when then happen.. you know it was Him.

    ^ I absolutley love that ! I'm sure your dreams coming true feel a million times better knowing He was there and is there. I'm not a mother nor a wife but I always enjoy reading your blogs & watching your videos. :)

    1. thank you so much for reading and watching! one day you will be a wife and mommy too! then maybe you can blog about all your adventures and remind me of it all :))))

  2. This is so beautiful! You do have awesome in laws. We are lucky ladies to marry into awesome families!

  3. My beautiful sister ^^ All the glory to God! Wow, He is so good! Thank you for sharing His goodness with us. It really imparts courage on me and gladdens my heart to know, once again, how big and good is the one and only God...He loves you so much, and is so gladdened to be able to give His child such good gifts! Let us remember His unfailing Big-ness and Good-ness when life gets tough and suffering comes as He allows it to come, and praise His name through it all. xoxo LOVE YOU JEANNIE! It gives me great joy to have the privilege of sharing in your joy, and thank you for sharing so honestly what is going on in your life! You have such a beautiful, precious heart of love that can only be God moving in you. Until God brings his wonderful vision revealed to us in Revelation 7:9 to fulfilment, let us not grow weary of doing good. 8) May God continue to bless your family in His amazing grace. <3 Grace and Peace, Esther

  4. My beautiful sister ^^ All the glory to God! Wow, He is so good! Thank you for sharing His goodness with us. It really imparts courage on me and gladdens my heart to know, once again, how big and good is the one and only God...He loves you so much, and is so gladdened to be able to give His child such good gifts! Let us remember His unfailing Big-ness and Good-ness when life gets tough and suffering comes as He allows it to come, and praise His name through it all. xoxo LOVE YOU JEANNIE! It gives me great joy to have the privilege of sharing in your joy, and thank you for sharing so honestly what is going on in your life! You have such a beautiful, precious heart of love that can only be God moving in you. Until God brings his wonderful vision revealed to us in Revelation 7:9 to fulfilment, let us not grow weary of doing good. 8) May God continue to bless your family in His amazing grace. <3 Grace and Peace, Esther
